Welcome to CyberPointers

CyberPointers is the online chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild (ANG). Membership is open to all members of the national ANG organization. Our meetings are conducted every other month and are run completely online via an email groups program. We provide stitching opportunities, through meeting programs, ANG correspondence courses, and workshops, that may not otherwise be available to our members.


Our Chapter Info page provides information about our Chapter, upcoming meeting dates and programs, and how to become a member.


Meeting Programs

For our March meeting, Marilyn Owen will be leading Blackwork and Darning Patterns Sample Book, an introduction to both techniques and creating a small pocket notebook to hold your stitched samples. Registration will remain open through the end of the meeting.

Our Education page lists upcoming meeting programs, including on-line lectures.

Pocket Notebook for Stitch Samples


Throughout the year we offer a variety of workshops. Workshops are led by well-known teachers, as well as CyberPointers members.

Our Education page lists both workshops and correspondence courses planned for the future.

Blackwork Shading Rose by Patricia Goaley

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